• Nelson heather community centre (map)
  • 5 Jacksons Road
  • Warriewood, NSW, 2102
  • Australia

If you are passionate about our wildlife and their presence in our local areas, why not start in your own neighbourhood.

The WildThings programs, based at Ku-ring-gai Council, aim to protect urban wildlife and create suitable habitat in our backyards to encourage the return of native wildlife and promote biodiversity. They do this directly through support and supply of nest boxes,  native bee hives and swimming pool conversions to native fish sanctuaries. It was started by Peter Clarke in 2004 who, while in charge of the local Bushcare program, noticed that while bush regenerators intended to preserve habitat and wildlife, the program was responsible for the wholesale removal of weeds which often lessened the biodiversity value of the ecosystem that the volunteers were trying to protect.

Please join us in welcoming Peter Clarke to learn about the success of WildThings NSW on Thurday evening the 28th of April at 7:15pm (Nelson Heather Centre, Banksia Room, 5 Jacksons Rd, Warriewood).

