2017 Permaculture Calendar with moon planting guide - Available this year directly from Permaculture Principles at $14 each with free Australian postage and discounts for multiple orders.
The voice of Permaculture Northern Beaches
2017 Permaculture Calendar with moon planting guide - Available this year directly from Permaculture Principles at $14 each with free Australian postage and discounts for multiple orders.
Thanks to everyone who submitted entries in the 2016 Permaculture photo comp. We had some amazing and beautiful photos submitted, which show all sorts of ways permaculture can be applied or appreciated. The most popular and eligible entries were:
Congratulations to the people above; a PNB committee member will be in contact soon regarding prizes. Thank you to everyone who submitted photos, your entries may continue to be on display on the PNB site.
Want to be a conscious consumer this festive season? Give PNB organic, fair trade t-shirts ($35), shopping bags plus calendars. You can collect them at our Warriewood meetings on November 26 and at the end of year party on December 17.
Wow, last nights' event was huge!
A great homage to the importance of cultivating organic soil... not just for great food, but to address soooo many of our challenges.
It was deeply moving to hear of the story of our PNB Assistant Coordinator & Kimbriki Senior Ecologist, Peter Rutherford, in turning his life from conventional farming to educator in Organic practices, and massively encouraging to hear of him being on the verge of launching huge projects in the Northern Beaches area... the man to watch!
Costa held the crowd amazingly, and entertained us all while giving away some GREAT prizes. Meanwhile, Graeme's expansive knowledge about our current environmental predicament, and passion in delivering his incredibly insightful action plan filled the room... and seemingly overloaded the system when all of our electricity was cut close to the finale :).
A great night of inspiration and promise for the Northern Beaches, to put the wind into our sails for all the events to come....
A massive thanks to the Kimbriki team and PNB volunteers to help make it happen. Hit Get Involved if you want to join us as a volunteer at the next big PNB bash...
Please note, the next PNB monthy meeting will not be at the Narrabeen Tramshed as usual. Instead, it will be held in the Banksia Room of Nelson Heather Community Centre, 5 Jacksons Rd, Warriewood. (off Pittwater rd near Warriewood Square), until further notice.