CoordinatOR | Ruth hansen
The Coordinator is responsible for setting strategic direction for the group and facilitating its development.
Assure monthly Committee meetings occur on schedule so as to organise the activities and planning of PNB. Oversees the overall scheduling and direction of the activities for the group.
Act as designated representatives of the group when needed.
Provide support to the Committee Members and Team Leaders as needed.
Assistant Coordinator | ELlE ShEather
The Assistant Coordinator/s provides assistance and advice to the Coordination team and to the Committee.
Convenes or attends meetings and events for the coordination team.
Acts as the representative of the group or attends functions on behalf of the Coordination team or the Committee.
Works collaboratively on PNB projects as designated.
Oversees the membership of PNB with the support of the Coordinator.
Prepares an agenda prior to the monthly PNB Committee meetings and distributes the agenda 5 days in advance of committee meetings.
Oversees minutes and action points from Committee meetings and other relevant information from the Committee meetings. Distributes the monthly Committee meetings within a week of the meetings.
Oversees welcomes and other notices to the membership.
treasurer | luke chang hunter + kerly barrera
The Treasurer coordinates the identification and pursuit of ethical fundraising opportunities for the group by the Finance & Fundraising Team.
Reports monthly to the PNB Committee on PNB income and expenditure.
Oversee the annual financial report.
Collates any membership and other monies collected at PNB events or activities and oversees the deposit of the funds into the PNB account.
Supports the PNB Committee in identifying and applying for suitable funding grants to deliver special projects or to support existing key functions of the group. Provides the Committee with a monthly update on the financial health of the group and supports project teams with budgeting.
Education Team Leader | Tomas Anderson
The Education Team Leader coordinates the delivery of an educational presentation for the education evenings each month including speakers, panels, film nights, and more!
Identifies potential speakers for the group at least three months in advance of the meetings.
Works closely with the publicity and communications teams to assure the education events are informative and well publicised and communicated.
Events Team leader | VACANT
Coordinates the selection, planning and running of stalls and similar educational and promotional opportunities for the group. This includes organising volunteer rosters for PNB events.
Develops themes, materials, and merchandise to promote at special events and stalls.
Coordinates the International Permaculture Day activities in May each year.
Permatours and Permabees Team Leader | MARC STUBBS
Coordinates the planning & delivery of PNB’s permaculture tours and permabees (garden working bees) in cooperation with the PNB Committee and Supporters.
Identifies and arranges educational tours and workshops to support areas of key interest and learning for the group.
Develops a strategy and oversees the publicity for PNB including special events, meetings, workshops and tours.
Liaises with media contacts as necessary to promote PNB activities including news releases.
Builds on the PNB contact list for development and use for at PNB events.
Works closely with the communications, events, and education team leaders.
COMMUNICATIONS Team Leader | vacant
Updates event listings and the electronic newsletter- PNB What’s on.
Oversees or writes key pieces of communication for the website, social media, or other publicity or communications materials.
Assists through writing/editing key PNB materials.
Maintains an overview of the communications materials and issues for PNB.
BeeS TEAM LEADERS | chris davies
Coordinates an active bee (native and European bees) project. Provides services and support to PNB on colony production, hives, and caring for bees. Provides information through workshops, speakers, online and other areas such as callouts (e.g. boxing of hives, swarms).
Liaises with community gardens on hive distribution and native bee hive support.
Promotes native bee hives through PNB membership and elsewhere.
Builds up an active seed-saving team inside PNB and maintains and grows a seed storage library for use by members.
Arrange for speakers, events, and workshops on seed saving as appropriate. Build up the seed-saving section on our website and social media.
Exchange information and seeds among PNB members.
Living Skills Coordinator | ALICE RIZZOTTO
Prepares a Living Skills program including - workshops, events, and speakers on topics such as fermentation, healthy cooking, making of non-toxic cleaning products etc. This assists members in learning a range of home craft skills to enable them to become more self-reliant and create more energy-efficient, sustainable households.
Coordinates with other organisations on the above as necessary. Provides information on Living Skills issues and events to PNB via the website, social media, and hard copy.
Northern Beaches Council Liaison | Margaret page
Liaises with Councilors, Council Staff, and relevant appointed reference groups from the Northern Beaches Council to facilitate communications and mutually beneficial initiatives.
Comments on key proposals from the Northern Beaches Council and draw this to the attention of the group as appropriate.
Submits grants applications from PNB
Liaises with key contact people from local Community Gardens, environment center’s, or similar in the Northern Beaches Local Government Area to ensure that opportunities and initiatives to promote permaculture are pursued.
If you would like to be involved in the PNB Committee as a committee member or as a committee helper we would really appreciate your assistance as the more people involved the more activities we can undertake. We still have a number of vacancies that you can see on the list above that we would love to have filled. For inquiries please email:,au
The Permaculture Northern Beaches Constitution is available on this website.