Spend the weekend learning the ancient building technique of Earth/Natural Clay - it is low cost and uses local sustainable materials. Over the weekend you will build an Earth/Natural Clay oven as a practical way to learn these techniques.

Day 1* is preparing materials and building the structure.

Day 2* is the building of the Earth Oven.

Earth/Natural Clay ovens offer a great alternative for outdoor cooking and making your own pizzas/breads/anything that goes in an Oven, as well as enjoying sitting around the fire.

The course will be held at Avalon and will cost $120 for both days. Information handouts will also be provided. You can choose also to attend one day only - $60 per day. Bookings are essential.

This is part of the Permaculture Northern Beaches PNB project made possible by a community grant from the Northern Beaches Council.

Earth/Natural Clay Oven Workshop
from A$60.00