• Permaculture Northern Beaches (map)
  • Online Webinar
  • https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82206877372?pwd=SjR3bGVBa1RmT1FhQ0xNc0VrMjMwQT09
  • Sydney, Australia

Learn of a restorative approach to Bush Regeneration and Bush Care with no use of chemicals to restore the natural habitat for both flora and native animals.

Dr. Conny Harris has been working for 20 years on bush regeneration for Garigal Land Care - without the use of chemicals. It is a naturalistic approach to encourage our native plants to self re-establish themselves. Sites on the Northern Beaches that they have regenerated include Deep Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls, parts of Garigal National Park, 10 hectares at Belrose, and currently they are active at North Head.

This holistic approach is a careful restoration of native plants through largely weeding, brush matting, and picking up of litter to allow for native species to return to areas with their own seed banks, often contained in the soil. It is an important part of biodiversity protection. Conny has invented her own form of ‘digging stick’ using a screwdriver to lever out the weeds.

By not using poisons, this approach protects seed banks, waterways, and soil as well as animals feeding in the area. Many countries around the globe have banned pesticides that are still widely used in Australia, among them glyphosate.

On the night bring along your own samples of weed to hold up on zoom and Connie can identify and address how best to remove them. Weeds frequently removed include - crofton, thistles, lantana, ink weed, and bidons. Noting many of these weeds can be edible and used in other ways once removed.

Wanting a practical application of what you have learned? Conny will be conducting a bush regeneration session at North Head on Sunday, August 8th from 8 to 11 am (pending COVID restrictions) to which you are invited. The July workshop is postponed till the Spring. As the exact location may change please contact Conny at 0432643295 for exact details.

Help restore degraded areas back to a healthy community of plants and animals. Join the webinar at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82206877372?pwd=SjR3bGVBa1RmT1FhQ0xNc0VrMjMwQT09

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