• Permaculture Northern Beaches (map)
  • Online - Via Zoom

The Problem: The Paris Agreement of 2015 between 193 countries, and the recent Glasgow COP26, agreed to improving targets on climate change. We are not meeting those ambitions. Extreme weather events are increasing; cities are at the forefront of climate change action; we all urgently need to participate in the management of our sources of food, energy & water. Understanding and taking action on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will support local actions.

Narara Ecovillage

Citizen Solutions: The Ecovillage Design principles, aligned with Permaculture principles, also map to the Sustainable Development Goals.

A study of 30 showcase ecovillages from six continents carried out by GEN show that ecovillages far surpass the action and commitment of states when it comes to realising the SDGs. They also provide intangible benefits, such as building social capital, providing a sense of purpose and belonging, improving well-being and empowerment. These are difficult to measure but are often identified by ecovillagers themselves, as most important.

You don't have to live in an ecovillage to be an eco-citizen using permaculture or ecovillage principles!

Come and experience the Ecovillage Principles on the Map of Regeneration.

This will be an interactive session; you may be surprised to discover what you're capable of creating in the world right now!

Tanya is a member of Narara Ecovillage, an Ambassador for Global Ecovillage Network and passionate about fermenting conversations that can inspire regenerative and joyful lifestyles