• 2 Samuel Street
  • Mona Vale, NSW, 2103
  • Australia

Please join PNB inc. this Sunday the 21st of July for Native bee box building workshop. 

After this workshop, you will have the skills to make your own at home, either from recycled materials or ones purchased from the timber yard. Learn the dimensions, what materials to use, why the bees prefer this size and where they keep their honey. 


Permaculture Northern Beaches has a very successful native bee program where we provide schools, community gardens and kindergartens with hives every season. With lots of hands we hope to create many boxes for us to split this year and get them into the community.

This is a hands on workshop with a kids friendly atmosphere. 

Our host has generously offered to make coffee for everyone with actual coffee beans from his garden. Please bring a plate to share while taking in a tour in his amazing permi garden. 

Date- 21st of July

Time - 10am Start. 

Cost - $30 non members. $20 for PNB members. Can sign up on the day.

If interested you can take home a Beehive ready for a split in Spring- $100.00


Address- Samuel St. Mona vale

Contact number matt- 0410 347 794

Please email your attendance to matt@mattwilsontiling.com

Limited spots avail. Don't miss this one. 


If you would like to attend this workshop please contact: matt@mattwilsontiling.com