In a future of uncertain rainfall and increasing water restrictions using water efficiently to grow food is never more important. Wicking beds water plants from below rather than above. They're basically containers with water reservoirs at the base. Moisture is drawn up through the soil via a process called capillary action or wicking - allowing moisture to be evenly distributed through the soil, and creating better growing conditions. Wicking beds can last up to 4 weeks without watering, in contrast to surface watering where evaporation requires frequent watering at intervals depending on climatic conditions. They are also ideal under trees such as eucalypts.

Learn first-hand how to construct wicking beds during a permabee (working bee) at the Manly Vale Community Garden.

The permabee (working bee) is Free and will proceed except in extreme weather. Please wear appropriate clothing, bring garden gloves, water bottle, and a plate of food for lunch to share after. If you would like to be part of this permabee, please email Paul Cannings, The Garden Ape at who is coordinating the project with PNB permabee team leader Michael Lancaster.

For more details on the products that will be used on the day donated by local company Water Ups you can visit the web site at and click on the Products tab. PNB members get a 20% discount. Learn first hand how to build wicking beds while helping Manly Vale Community Garden.