• Online Zoom Webinar (map)

We are aware that living close to nature may hold the key to our transition into a low carbon future. But do we ever think more deeply about the human - nature connection? How are we personally affected by the continuous damage to nature that we see around us? Why are so many people profoundly disconnected from nature and how does this impact our societies? What does a close connection with nature offer us, on a psychological and emotional level? How do we embrace our relationship with nature for personal and planetary good? 

These and other related questions will be explored in this online talk and Q&A by environmental educator and social ecologist Victoria Walker. 

To join please register a ticket with the Eventbrite link

For more information on Victoria Walker’s work on Ecopsychology and Culture you can check out the following sites: 
Website: http://www.innerlandscape.com.au/ 
Inner Landscape
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Inner-Landscape-100177238113033 
Downshifters Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Blue-Mountains-Downshifters-291114648352656 

Join Zoom Meeting Thursday 25th June @ 7:30pm

Click here to join the Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 815 3132 6199
Password: 652899



Permaculture offers positive solutions to create healthy environments by working with nature. It brings food production back to where we live and looks at ways, we can design our homes and gardens to build healthier sustainable communities. 

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