To celebrate International Permaculture Day, PNB would like to gift a hands-on workshop to our community by the local Aboriginal organisation, Bush to Bowl. This will be a hands-on workshop with a cost of $5 for members (you can join PNB on the day) or $7.50 for non-members:
Bush to Bowl’s Aboriginal team will provide an insight into some of the native Australian bushfoods used both traditional and now in a modern sense, giving an insight into both local plants and others used across Australia. The team will also showcase the medicinal values of the plants.
Following the initial showcase participants will have the opportunity to taste and make some food using native ingredients.
Bush to Bowl is a 100% Aboriginal-owned social enterprise that aims to develop environments and experiences for families and community members for them to engage with Australia’s native plants and traditional Aboriginal knowledge and culture. We deliver engaging hands-on learning experiences where traditional and modern cultural knowledge and practices about our native plants, our sustainable practices and philosophy of caring for Country, and how we work with the changing seasons and environments are key to looking after Country.
The venue is the property of ‘Honey I am Home’ delicious honey and other homemade products wil also be available for sale on the day.
Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share are the Permaculture Ethics that were influenced by Aboriginal and Indigenous Cultures.
May 1st, the first Sunday in May, is International Permaculture Day (IPD). A day where all things permaculture are celebrated around the Earth across continents from Brazil to India, to the UK to the USA, and to Australia where permaculture originated.
Pleased note places are limited and it wil be the first people who turn up who have direct participation in the workshop.