Naturalist Diego Bonetto will introduce you to the wonders and possibilities of edible weeds on a two hour urban tour on the northern beaches. Building on the knowledge acquired while growing up on a farm in Italy, Diego introduces people to the ever-present food and medicine plants that surround us. To some plantain, dandelion, chickweed, and sow-thistle are a nuisance, to others, they are a seasonal treat. Learn about the most common species growing in your garden, along with the green belts, and in parks and reserves. Find out how they have been used for food, craft, and natural remedies. Discover ways to safely harvest from the urban 'wild', and enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals.
Bookings are necessary, details are at:
COVID safe practices will be adhered to. on the day. You can also purchase homegrown and homemade honey and jams, and beeswax products at the property.